Ovaries & Tubes
Found out my oophorectomy will also include the removal of my Fallopian tubes. Is that normal? Any reason I should keep the tubes? Any added risk to removing them?
Yep. They go together I was told.
@A MyBCTeam Member I ended up having scar tissue from endometriosis I knew nothing about too! Resulted in an additional incision and more pain on that side than the other, but otherwise recovery has been as expected.
I had it done 4 years ago so I could go on Letrazole (Femara) .. They now know that ovarian cancer can also be in the tubes so they take everything at the same time usually. it turned out that I had endometriosis and never even knew it. It was a piece of cake and done with tiny incisions. I as more concerned about the mood swings and lack of drive which never happened. My Doc said that your body will react the same as your Monthly Cycle. If you get mood swings etc., then this would be similar.
It's a fact that many cases of ovarian cancer actually begin in the Fallopian tube. Mine started in the ovary and spread to the Fallopian tube. If you've tested positive for the BRACA1 gene mutation, it's important to remove the tubes and ovaries. Don't wait too long like I did.
Mine took both. Easy out patient surgery. Easy recovery.
Ovary Removal Or Hysterectomy And Ovaries?
Has Anyone Had To Have A Hysterectomy How Did Yofeel After? My Doctor Is Advising Me To Get The Surgery. I'm Scared!!!
Surgery To Remove Ovaries And Tubes