ER/PR +, Her2-, With Lymphnodes +
Hello Fellow BC friends,
I would like to know who has ER/PR +, Her2-, with lymph nodes +. I am wanting to know what treatment your oncologist has recommended? IV Chemo or not??
Also, regarding if you have had a hysterectomy or not.
I was told I was post menopausal, but after removing my IUD, I now have my period!
I was post menopausal when I was diagnosed with BC. It was right smack in the middle of my breast and I had a bilateral. No lymph involvement but it was HER2+ Putting a port in for chemo was a saving grace because I developed lymphedema in my arms. 4 rounds A/C (red devil) chemo. Could not do the Taxol after that because I had too much nerve damage (neuropathy from diabetes and chemo) so went on to Herceptin treatments. I have been on them for awhile now and will finish in July of this year. Doc went ahead and started the 5 yr. pill of Amirdex. All have side effects. All can be managed, it is a process you learn. No one goes unscathed by cancer. Fight like a girl! Prayers going up for you. Hug
Initially I had a wire guided lumpectomy, but no clear margins. My breast surgeon gave me the choice of either going back to the OR to take more tissue or have a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I chose to have bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. During the lumpectomy I also had a sentinel node biopsy 31 nodes signal by the Giger counter but only 1 confirmed for cancer. Oncotype Assay test done, score was 13. I consulted with a radiation oncologist. He reviewed my MRIs and chest CTs and determined no signs of cancer chest muscle healthy so no radiation and no chemotherapy. All I needed was surgical intervention and Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen has a 6% probability of causing uterine cancer so I went to my gynecologist and asked to have total hysterectomy the side effect of Tamoxifen wasn't the only factor I also had a history of uterine fibroids. She was empathetic and recommended to also have my ovaries removed since they produce estrogen. I had this surgery. The hormonal medication was switched from Tamoxifen to Femara. I made personal choice for myself. I stopped taking Femara at my 4.5 year mark.
I have Invasive Ductal Stage IV, ER + PR+ HER2 w/Lymph. I took 6 chemo treatments until oncologist suggested I should have a better quality of life. That was July/2016. I've been on Antibody Treatment (Herceptin & Perjeta maintenance infustions), Faslodex, Xgeva. This target treatment has decreased size of tumors as well as lymph nodes. They now can not differentiate if its cancer or arthritis in certain areas. Faslodex has put me back into menopause which means I now have mild night sweats, forgetfulness...
Steriotatic biopsy revealed ER+ PR+HER- lumpectomy was performed along with a sentinel node biopsy. The original plan was to use the Savi Breast Implant and radiation would have been twice daily for 5 days but that changed when my lymph node biopsy came back positive. I have now finished my first 8 week round of A/C chemo therapy and I'm now on my 4th out of 12 Taxol treatments then on to 30 radiation treatments. I had had a ful hysterectomy over 20 years ago and was on Premarin, I went off Premarin immediately after getting my abnormal mammogram.
I am Her-2pos. with lymph node involvement. During active Chemo I had a port because my veins are not easily accessed. I had taxotere, carboplatin, and Herceptin. Radiation also. I will be on Arimidex for 10yrs. I have an app. with obgyn. I was post menopausal.
Just Wondering How Many Of You Have More 2 Or More Re Excision? Iām Not Sure I Totally Understand Why This Happens?
Does Anyone Have Itching On One Breast 2an Half Years Later