Just Wondering How Many Of You Have More 2 Or More Re Excision? I’m Not Sure I Totally Understand Why This Happens?
I had some of my lymphnodes removed in Feb of 2022 and I guess pr means post radiation sessions. I 'm still having some problems with my arm on the left side. Every once in a while when I move it wrong it feels like a muscle or tendon is pulling. Do you go to a lympdema therapist? Supposedly what she calls cords get tight and they have to be massaged and loosened up. Also the way she explained these cords as being rubber bands. I have really no idea how long but whatever you are currently doing keep it up. Let me know how you are doing. Actually it might be too soon to have more mobility than you might want. Patients is what is needed now.
It’s having a lumpectomy first then getting your 1 week check and being told they have to open you up again( didn’t get it all or new tumor) and in my case a third time.
PR..I had lymph nodes removed September...I'm still having pain in my arm..mild lymphadema and hard to lift my arm over my head. I'm still doing exercises for my arm..hopefully it heals soon
I had that experience as well.... first had the lumpectomy then was told I would have to get my lymph nodes checked. They informed me it would have to be a different excision and that the new one would be closer to my arm pit so they could access my lymph nodes.
I don't know what a re ex cision is
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