Anyone Revise Implants From Sub-pectoral To Pre-pectoral With Fat Grafting To Contour?
Saw a new PS yesterday about a possible revision to my implants. I currently have Natrelle 410 FF's, 595 cc. Lefty is still up high, due to an inadequate pocket size, and will never drop. Righty's pocket is too large and the implant has rotated 30 degrees. The PS also agrees that the implants are too wide for me and make me look flat.
She proposes removing the implants, and placing a new implant, Natrelle Inspira SCX pre-pectorally. She says it will look more natural and my pecs will no longer… read more
I have had fat grafting 3 times to the same place. The last time I had it done, they use a different procedure. Now they take the fat and squeeze all the liquid out of it before injecting it into place. It helped some, but I still lost about 1/2 off it. My place is right on top of my breast and it is skin and chest wall so we have been trying to build it up. But like I said alot of it has gone south with gravity, so now it is on the side. But I am alive and should not complain, lol.
My PS wanted to use these implants, but they had not been okayed by the drug administration when I had mine done. I have had the fat grafting done but it doesn't stay where it's supposed to. Gravity gets a hold of it, I have a flat place on top, but I have a flat tummy now.
I am also discussing moving implants to pre-pectoral, I have mentor memory gel smooth round moderate plus profile 475cc. I had some fat grafting but I still have a very distinct flat area on my left breast. Please keep me posted on how yours turn out and I will do the same. I am scared that I will never look "normal" again.
Thanks, Cindy. I'm not anxious to sign up for multiple graftings as my BMI is already > 19. I wonder how she'll find enough fat to do it once without me looking like a freak. I'm all for switching the implants and fixing the pockets but I'm just not sure about the pre-pectoral stuff. The animation bothers me less than I think grafts sliding south would!
Thanks @A MyBCTeam Member. I don't have much fat to harvest, in my opinion. She mentioned the possible need to re-do it as well. I am all for switching to the SCX implants, just not sure about the heavy use of grafting. Thanks so much for youur input.
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