Anyone Have Severe Shoulder Pain After A Masectomy? Anyone Have Torn Rotator Cuff After Masectomy?
If your pectoral muscles were at all interfered with (typically if you had reconnstruction using implants or expanders they separate the pectorals from the rib case and put the implant UNDER the pectoral muscle this is called sub pectoral placement) you can have shoulder issues. I initially had subpectoral implant placement at the time of my mastectomy and then had what I thought was frozen shoulder from the imposed immobility after surgery. I since learned that it wasnt frozen shoulder but some kind of nerve pain associated with the interaction of my pecorals having an implant crammed up under them. I had a shoulder manipulation and then several months of PT. Finally i was able to have my implants taken out and replaced OVER my pecs (prepectoral placement also known as muscle sparing). My shoulder issues have basically disappeared since that surgery. Wishing you a resolution to your painful situation 💚..
Yes, I had the surgeries both ways also. Have to say the implants behind the pec muscle was more comfortable for me but they did not last. My left breast fell within a year of my surgery. They are now over my pec muscle and I have the worst pain possible on a daily basis. I am so glad you are doing so much better with your over the pec surgery.
Thanks for the support!
Yes! I developed adhesive capsules. It is extremely painful and can last up to a year! I have dealt with it for 4 months and am going to a new Ortho who actually does a procedure to fix it.
Yes, I have very severe shoulder pain. I think it’s from my implants. I didn’t have it after my mastectomy. I was fine until I got implants put in and now I am researching they they cause neck and shoulder pain along with autoimmune diseases and cancer, a lymphoma caused by breast implants. I have an appointment with my doctor next week and I am telling him I want my implants taken out ASAP. I’ve had nothing but problems since I got them. Problems that I didn’t have after mastectomy.
They also moved muscle and tissue from my back around under my arm pits to help cover my implants. Plastic surgeon said my skin is thin. I have zipper scars across both sides of my back along my bra line. I look like the bride of Frankenstein....Lol !!!
Shoulder Tear After Mastectomy?
Anyone On Herceptin And Perjeta Antibodies After Surgery?Want To Know The Side Effects
Shoulder Problems After Mastectomy.