Do The Implants Settle
I had my exchange surgery 2 weeks ago. The one on right settled into the pocket but the one on the left sits higher on my chest. My PS told me to massage them by pushing down and in toward the breast bone. They are 800 gel implants. I go back in 6 weeks. She is going to do fat grafting later. Did anyone else have issues with the implants being uneven?
Adrienne, it is way too early to tell yet if they are even. You still have so much swelling, and massaging them will make them swell more. It takes months for the swelling to subside and the implants to settle. I think your Dr will be able to reassure you when you see him. 💗💗💗
My experience yes implants settle
I'm sorry to hear. Let's hope that your implant does position into the right place. If there is a noticeable difference looking at both and one being much higher, I am concerned that the doctor is hoping for it to settle more after swelling goes down. Some doctors want to wait and see if the implant will settle. Let's hope it does and massage as instructed. I don't have implants. But have read many stories of women implants not being even. One higher than the other. What you have to be careful of and watching is capsulation of implant. 2 weeks is still early. Give it more time and address the issue with doctor if still uneven with the doctor at 6 week follow up. I have Feeling that plastic surgeon will want to wait at least 6 months. However if you are not happy with the results do not let the surgeon get away with it and swade you. Usually instincts are right on track and plastic surgeons will never admit to any wrong doing. They will have an attitude and tell you that everything looks good. Bring your spouse or someone that is close to you to backup your story.
I agree with what @A MyBCTeam Member said; its much too early to tell. I would of course always check with your PS, but I wasn't told to massage mine (750s after BMX) until they 'settled' approx. three months in. I was terribly afraid of capsular contracture and watched them like a hawk! One was definitely larger than the other post-surgery, as PS had to sew up one pocket to make it match the other; I had my mastectomies at separate times, so one was expanded more. Try to relax and wait until the 3 month mark - I know it's hard! xx
Thank you all 😊
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