What To Wear To Come Home From Exchange Surgery
I am having my Exchange surgery tomorrow 8/1. Will I be able to,raise my arms over my head or will I be restricted like after BMX. I am trying to figure out what type of shirt to wear.
Loose,and button down...easier to get on a nd off no arm lifting. Good luck and God bless.
I hope you feel better soon, Jwags. I did not have a bmx, but rather a single mastectomy. When I had my exchange done, I also had a lift on my noncancer breast. I had more pain on that breast than I did on the exchange breast. In fact, I still hurt sometimes now (and my surgery was the end of March). I still wear the bras that the PS gave me after surgery. I find those front closure bras to be way more comfortable.
Button front is safest. I was bandaged, no drains. Easier than masectomy!!!! Will be thinking of you...let us know
My BMX incisions were straight across both breasts. My PS wanted to make another incision below the breast on the radiated side but the radiated skin was way too thin. So he had to use the original incision. I am just hoping and praying the radiated incision is strong enough. I don't know what happens if it doesn't. My PS said we would deal with that in the future.. I think they try to use the mastectomy incisions if the skin is OK. Radiation really messes with things, though. I don't know if it is common for them to radiate under your breast but they zapped me a ton.
@A MyBCTeam Member I'm so sorry you are having so much pain, my PS told me my exchange surgery should be easy and nothing like my bi-lateral mastectomy, I'm praying not to go through that again, Once was enuff. My prayers to you that your pain will lessen each day. My PS also made the choice of the silicone jel implants, I was hoping for saline, I suppose they know what's best. Feel better, God bless you!
Anyone Have Redness After Exchange Surgery? Not Near Incisions.
Anyone Who Had A Lumpectomy, I Am Having Both Right And Left. Can You Tell Me What To Expect After Surgery. Do I Wear A Bra Home? Etc.
What Do I Wear Home After Surgery? Masectomy Bra?