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A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Columbus, OH

I’m wondering if anyone has advice about which implant to choose for my reconstruction. I am very thin and had zero fat left after my mastectomy. I originally planned on tear drop shaped but I’m hearing that people experience a lot of rippling and don’t like the shape! My plastic surgeon is amazing but also likes me to make my own decisions without much guidance from him. What do you all think??

February 5, 2018
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A MyBCTeam Member

Hi Ashley 😊

I personally, went for the D.I.E.P. don't know much on implants but I know you should do some more research. I think the tear drop shape sounds's like what I have but without implants ..

You should do more research or you can call 844 ask share they refer you to a women survivors who have had the reconstruction that you are speaking of.

(Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)

February 5, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

I did not get tear drip shaped implants so I cannot speak to that but there are a few things you should be aware of regarding implants. I have always used Saline implants. Yes, they will eventually leak but that won’t hurt you, also they will need to be replaced every 10 years or so. If you go with Silicone it is recommended you thave an MRI after 10 years to check for leaks. Also ask about the difference between smooth and textured implants. Smooth are more popular and are usually used. I wasn’t given a choice originally and was very uneducated on the implants. So be sure to ask questions if you haven’t discussed this already.
As far as rippling, saline implants ripple more than silicone and textured ripple more than smooth.

February 12, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

Before BC, was fairly flat-chested, but had nursed three babies and, uh, gravity happened . Had a mastectomy on left. My first recon the plastic used the round, smooth silicone. It used to move way up on my chest when I gestured (I used to say it was trying to punch me in the face.) Did a reconstruction with a different plastic, with the implant that is more sloped (teardrop?) and textured so it stays in place better. Also a implant on the right with a breast lift. I like the right side. Left side is better than it was initially, but looks, to me, like a lump of playdough, and I still have a diagonal scar/divot. Thought I would get a nipple "done' but it doesn't seem worth it , don't know how they would place it, with my scar. been a year since that recon, still feel self0-conscious.

May 15, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

I had a female plastic that was very nice. I was having a hard time deciding about saline and silicone. Was afraid to get silicone due to leakage and not knowing. Silicone are more natural. I am also thin, no fat. No boobs before, Lol! I did finally go with silicone and am very happy with them. You have to decide what is best for you, what you feel comfortable with. I Was freaking out when I had to decide, Lol! She also picked out the shape. Mine are high profile. Best wishes.

February 17, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

I just remembered that my ps gave a whole file along with a bar code of my implants. I have Mentor siltex round moderate plus profile gel breast implant cohesive. If you google Mentor you will find there are simply hundreds of options, it will be impossible for you to choose without his guidance.

February 13, 2018

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