What Do You Do For Chest Muscle Issues After A Bilateral Mastectomy & Reconstruction?
I had a bilateral mastectomy & reconstruction in December of 2016 and am still having issues with pushing, pulling, using an electric can opener and just some of the simplest things. Any suggestions?
I had my BMX in June of 2016. I had a lot of muscle problems with expanders and I got a referral to PT. I now have implants and still have a lot of pain at the sides and bottom of my implants. I can still use that arm for most tasks exceot lifting.
They keep telling me it is the nerve ending causing the pain. They don't even investigate to see if it is something different.
My muscles suddenly tightened up too so it was straight off to the physio for me. She did lots of loosening exercises, checked my hand strength, and did scar massage to help loosen everything and get it moving. They can also fit a compression sleeve in case you get any swelling.
Mastectomy two years ago. I stayed flat and very happy I did. I am naturally small breasted. Even going flat has it issues but much less (as expected) than reconstructive surgery. I still have tightness around my former boob as I call it, a day or two after yoga. Nerves are awakening and at times surpise me with tingling. I love a heating pad and occasional Advil.
I am going through chest wall problems now very tight feel 3sizes bigger. I have been to Dr just miserable
Hello.I Want To Know More About Mastectomy.Please Answer This Question With Types Of Mastectomy You Have Undergone And Why?
Questions About Mastectomy
Radiation With Implants After Mastectomy