What Are The Odds Of Getting Celulitus 5 Years After Treatment
Having a major issue with my rt breast it’s very painful my nipple is invertered it’s hot to the touch it’s hard the whole bottom of the breast. There’s a little discharge coming from it. Waiting to see my dr Monday but went to urgent care yesterday and she put me on antibiotics. The pain was so bad I couldn’t wait. I’ve taken 3 doses of the med and it has subsided.
I have learn that no matter how many years something’s just happen , our dr are really clueless it’s up to us to know our bodies , please everyone do some research on all our medications , just don’t depend on the dr,s because the do miss things I learned the hard way 😰😰, but thank god he watches over all of us
It sounds terrible painful. Good thing you are seeing your doctor to have it checked out. Let us know what he says, and how you are doing, please.
Breast Pain And Swelling After Radiation
Anyone With ILC And HER2+, And Estrogen & Progesterone Positive (in Lymph Nodes Too) Who Can Tell Me What Your Experience?