Lumpectomy Or Mastectomy? What Did You Chose And Why?
It was a no-brainer decision for me to have a BMX without reconstruction. I was diagnosed with IDC, stage 1. I had firm and perky 38Ds and often went bra-less.
I am now flatter than a pre-teen and love it. My husband fully supports my decision!
My surgeon kept pushing Lumpectomy for my 2.1 cm TN tumor even though I had a history of breast tumors. I opted for BMX whoch was so lucky because they actually found 3 additional tumors measuring 7.1 cm.
I chose a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I did not even have to think about it. I just wanted the cancer out of me. I have no regrets!
Was told by time she got all cancer & margins I would be so deformed that she really didn't give option...sug mast with reconst. I went home & did research...I never wanted implants so I went with no reconst,.
I had a double mastectomy - had a precancerous tumor removed on the left 25 years ago and then had IDC stage 1B on the right 5 years ago. I know the statistics are nearly the same for mastectomy and lumpectomy - but for me, if I have a recurrence I don't ever want to look back and wish I had done something differently. Also, wanted to minimize any extra long term side effects so didn't want to have radiation. But everything is very personal - whatever you feel is best for you, is best for you! Good luck with everything:)
Anyone Have DCIS Stage 0. What Did You Do?
Lumpectomy Vs Matectomy.