Does Everyone Have A Treatment With Bi-lateral Mastectomy?
I see that many people on this site mention various treatments after bi-lateral mastectomy, but my surgeon said I shouldn't need it with the mastectomy unless they find something in the chest wall. Has anyone else been told this?
I didn’t have treatment. I was stage 1 Invasive ductal carcinoma. Bilateral mastectomy.
I understand how you feel. I had a BMX when I didn’t get clear margins after two surgeries on my right side. My surgeon said this only happens to one 1% of her patients. I’m 52 as well and decided to go flat, I didn’t want additional surgeries as it is always more than one. DIEP flap - too tough of a recovery for me. And I didn’t want implants due to risk issues with the chemicals or having to change them every 10 years. I felt great 3 weeks post BMX is a much easier recovery. It was a great decision for me. I’m now done 4 weeks out.
I can’t imagine you’d have chemo with DCIS and hopefully no radiation. I hope it goes well for you.
I didn’t have any treatment. I was Stage 1 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma and my BMX caught all of the cancer.
It depends on many factors of your diagnosis. Ask your oncologist what determined his/her opinion. If you are in doubt, seek a second opinion at at different institution. We must all educate ourselves on this disease and ask questions. It looks like you are ER neg , PR positive, which may be why.
I had negative nodes too and had residual DCIS removed in a BMX after two failed lumpectomies which removed a 1.2cm tumor, IDC. I did chemo first based on my Oncotype of 21. I just started Tamoxifen and an ER/PR positive and HER2 negative.
I had a bilateral mastectomy for DCIS in right breast, No lymph node involvement. ER/PR positive. After BMX I was told no treatment also b/c there was no node involvement.
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