What Side Effects Do You Have From Tamoxifin?
I went to my oncologist today because I've been having memory problems especially speech. I also have short term memory loss, ringing in my ears, dizziness and headaches. My oncologist said that tamoxifin does not cause any of that. I have an MRI because he suspects brain mets. He may be right, but have any of you experienced any of these things while on Tamoxifin?
Hot flashes, sometimes headaches, some joint issues and constant ringing in my ears. I can even hear it when the TV is on. I did have a brain MRI to check and everything was fine. I also went to an ENT to see if I had ear damage but also fine. I have no doubt the ringing is caused from the Tamoxifen. I don’t care what they say. I also sometimes have short term memory issues.
This may not be helpful, but my PCP told me that stress can cause temporary short-term memory loss. She described it as when the brain is extremely preoccupied (worried) constantly that it can contribute to memory loss. Like we're worrying subconciously and it is affecting our memory.
I have been on tamoxifen since May 2016. Occasional joint pain, vaginal dryness (that can get so itchy and uncomfortable),hot flashes (at night mostly), I bruise very easily and definitely have short term memory issues. Now that I think about it, I sometimes have ringing in my ears but not that often. My opinion is that it is all related to tamoxifen because I did not experience any of these issues prior to taking tamoxifen. I have also seen an ENT and all was normal.
My chemo did that to me
My forgetfullness started the day I was called back from my mammogram. Have just started tamoxifen( few days )will keep an eye out for these side effects. Glad you are having tests to rule out the big stuff.
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