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Radiation Therapy

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Columbia, SC

In a best case situation where I have no residual Triple Negative Cancer in my breast, I will go directly to Radiation Therapy. From what I have read the therapy will treatment will start 6 weeks after surgery. I am a teacher, and I would like to return to work after Spring Break which would place me 2 weeks into radiation. Is it possible to work during the last 4 weeks of radiation therapy? I had a hard time with AC & T and have not worked since school started. I am open to any… read more

February 16, 2020
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A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member: everyone reacts differently so it's hard to say if you'll be able to work or not. I was lucky that my company allowed me to be off work because I got pretty burnt and uncomfortable. I would not have been a happy camper if I had to go to work. Fatigue can be an issue during rads as well.
I will say this - just remember that you can't take care of anyone or anything else until you take care of YOU first. And if there's ever a time in your life to put yourself first - this is it. So do what you need to to get through this and heal properly. πŸ’•

February 16, 2020
A MyBCTeam Member

Everyone reacts differently to radiation. I had it 14 years ago and continued to work. Last year i had proton therapy which has similar side effects. Both times I got tired at the end but really not that bad. I had radiation at 2 or 3 in the pm and the last week I experienced fatigue around 5:30. Maybe you should schedule it after work. You could always wait until next Fall to return to work and really give yourself a chance to recuperate.

February 16, 2020
A MyBCTeam Member

I am also a teacher. The first time that I was diagnosed (13 years ago) I worked during rads BUT had to go home and nap every evening. The last week of the treatment I could not. This time dancing with the Dragon Lady I said nope, not going to try it...I need to focus on complete wellness.
I also agree with the afore mentioned situation with our weak immune systems and the 2nd wave of the flu virus and not knowing how things are going to pan out with the Coronavirus. Ginormous, gentle hugs because I KNOW how difficult the decision isπŸ’œ!

February 16, 2020
A MyBCTeam Member

I worked everyday during my 6 weeks of radiation. My best advice is to make yourself walk every day. It warded off fatigue for me. The last week, my skin got irritated and red, but manageable. I had triple negative too.

February 20, 2020 (edited)
A MyBCTeam Member

I looked almost like that after 3 weeks, plus two big radiation burns on my back. My burns were higher up, at my collarbone.

February 16, 2020

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