Covid Vaccine
I am taking Anastrozol for 10 years. Do I need 3 Covid vaccines or just 2 plus the boosters? Many thanks if you can answer my query.
Just make sure that if you have a mammogram coming up soon that you put a minimum of 12 weeks between the vaccine and the mammo so that you don’t get a false reading. The vaccine makes the lymph nodes appear to be enlarged on thr scan, so that’s why the 12-week break is recommended.
We had only a half dose for our third shot - we were told that since our first two were Moderna, we needed only a half dose of Moderna for the boost.
The booster is the same thing as a 3rd vaccine. They call it a booster but really its absolutely no different from the first two vaccines - its just a third one. It is entirely up to you if you get the 3rd or not. 💕
That really is interesting and vital information. This site really is of valuable support. Thank you. Happy New Year to everyone on this wonderful site.
Thank you Melissa for your valuable advice. I will have the booster.
Does Anybody Else Have Thoughts About Vaccines, In Particular Covid Vaccine, Causing Cancer Or In Particular Reoccurrence Of Cancer?
RSV Vaccines - Children’s RSV Pulled. May Pull Adult RSV Vaccines.
I Was Just Reading On “Outcomes4 Me” That Someone Was Thinking She Received Breast Cancer From COVID Shots - Has Anyone Heard +or - ?