Anyone Have Multifocal Masses? Did It Affect Your Prognosis Or Treatment Plan?
Recurrence my worse FEAR
I have talked to women who have had lumpectomies and had recurrence of breast cancer. My breast cancer was caught early. Lumpectomy was recommended to me along with 6 weeks of radiation. My onco type score 13. I had lumpectomy but didn't have clear margins. My breast surgeon gave me the option of going back to the OR to take more tissue or I could have prophylactic bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. I chose the later. I have MRI of the breasts which was part of my work up. On the MRI it showed an abnormality lower portion of my left breast, same breast the tumor was found in. I mastectomy of both breasts. Pathology came back on the abnormality which showed it was pre-cancerous cells. So hypothetically if I decided to have more tissue removed and say there were clear margins between now and 8 years I would have recurrence of breast cancer most likely stage 3 or stage 4. I have never regretted my decision for prophylactic bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Best decision of my life!
@A MyBCTeam Member: yes I had multi-focal - 3 tumours. Didnt really affect my treatment plan because I had a full mastectomy from the get-go, and once it came back that I had 3 affected lymph nodes chemo was a sure thing anyway. 💖
@A MyBCTeam Member: yup I was T2N1 (2B) but that's because I had lymph node involvement. 💕
My Sentinel Node Biopsy Report Said I Have Micrometastasis On One Node. I See My Oncologist Later Today. What Questions Should I Ask ?
Is Pathology Ever Wrong? Pathology Results From Mastectomy Are Different Than My Original Biopsy.
HER2+ER-MBC. Collagen And Body Pain.