Does Anybody Else Have Thoughts About Vaccines, In Particular Covid Vaccine, Causing Cancer Or In Particular Reoccurrence Of Cancer?
No for vaccines for me ! Never again. Got really sick from the last flu and from the first covid. And I do believe there’s a link with cancer in that it can help mutate some genes. There’s a reason it’s called an mRNA vaccine. In plain sight! No need to apologize for suggesting “conspiracies “. Those are often the truth wrapped in the label of conspiracy by those who don’t want you to know the truth.
And it looks I will be the first one to say no on vaccines, I cancelled the pneumonia vaccine I was going to get the other day. I think I will take my chances and wear a mask.
I totally agree I too will never have vaccines!
I have enough poisons pumped into me!!
TeTo thank you, 🌸🦋
Chinese monkeypox vaccine gets green light for clinical trials
Hell would have to freeze over 20 times before I would think of getting this one.
Just the sound of 'monkeypox' sounds so gross.
Breast Cancer Vaccine?
Lumpectomy I’m 2006. Aggressive, But Still Stage 1. Tamoxifen 10 Yrs. Clear For 17. Took Covid Vaccine. Bad Choice. Bilateral Mast In Dec.
Covid And Cancer