Question On Chemotherapy TC Chemo Vs ACT Chemo
My oncologist first said my plan was 4 cycles of TC Chemo, then surgery, then radiation. Today she changed it and said she felt the more aggressive ACT Chemo for 5 1/2 months, then surgery, then radiation. My cancer is localized ER - positive and HER2- negative. There is a huge difference between the 2 chemo regiments. ACT has a lot more bad side effects like heart damage, low white blood counts and infections. Has anyone made the decision to skip the aggressive and go with the TC Chemo… read more
Why did they change the Tx plan? Press for answers as it should be justified to your satisfaction. I think age can be a factor. My dr said I should do ACT as TC usually used with older women or those with other health issues (heart problems eg) I did fine with ACT. It’s not that bad for most.
Chemotherapy Regimens
Chemo: TC X 6 Vs TC X 4