Cancer Marker Tests
Do you trust this method or do you want other exams, ie: a pet scan?
They don't do marker tests or PET scans where I am. I alternate MRI's with mammos every 6 months plus i see my onc yearly and I'm ok with that.
I hate insurance companies!
TNBC as well, and I will hit the 4 year mark in April. I worry too! I think I will worry less after 5 years.
I get a CA15.3 tumor marker test every 3 months, I also get CT and Bone scans every 2months now that my numbers are going up. There appears to be some tumors in my left lower lobe of my lung want to get bigger. My right lung tumors continue to shrink though!!👍😊 I'm still here!!👍🙏🏻
Cancer marker tests can provide valuable information about breast cancer. Here are some key points from the knowledge base:
- Genomic Tests: Tests like Oncogene DX evaluate genes in cancer cells to predict tumor growth, treatment effectiveness, and recurrence odds
- Blood Tests: These check bone marrow, liver, and kidney Show Full Answer
I was told my kind of cancer does not need markers
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