Need To Make A Decision Between TC And CMF Chemo
Hi All - I need to make a decision between TC and CMF chemo- I had DCIS and BMX last month - they found a 10mm stage 1 tumor that was Er/pr positive and HER-. Oncotype score of 26. TC would be every 3 weeks for 12weeks or CMF would be every 2 weeks for 16 weeks. Iām so I overwhelmed š
Hi Emily10.
I did TC for 4 sessions. The first treatment was a little scary. Had chest pain and felt like it was hard to breathe but once the Dr knew of these side effects, I was given benadryl and an antacid 30 minutes before each treatment. No problems after that. The worst for me was the bone aches but that was due to the Nuelasta. Claritin helped with the aches. Treatment on TC, was every 21 days. I had chemo on Thursday, worked on Friday but took off the Monday because of the bone aches. Generally back to work the rest of the time. I hope this helps.
What does your doctor think? What does your schedule look like? I did my chemo every other week on Thursdays. My Neulasta shot was on friday and I was back to work on monday or tuesday. I got almost 80 hours of work every 2 weeks by pacing it out. I didnt have any options other than the day of the week, so I made the best of it. Most of the side effects (very mild) were on Saturday and Sunday.
I drank tons of the cucumber + something gator aide and that seemed to help.
Emily, it really can be overwhelming! Ask the doctors about the pros/ cons of both protocols, possible side effects. Then, if you are still unsure about what is the best route for you, it is ok to ask for a second opinion. Keeping you in prayers while you navigate through all the info to make the decisions that are right for you.
Chemotherapy Regimens
How To Choose To Do Chemo Or Not? And If So, CMF Or TC??
Chemo Regimen: AC/T Or TC?