Question About Hives Post Surgery.
My lumpectomy/ oncoplastic reduction surgery was on June 27th. I’m doing well as far as pain which I am controlling with Tylenol. My incisions look good and have one drain remaining which is not collecting much at this point.
My worse complaint is hives that have developed on my chest and now one side of my abdomen. I’m taking Zyrtec per doctor but not able to use creams as too close to incision. Anyone experienced similar and how did you keep irritation at bay?
I am not alone. Doctor says the are seeing more cases of rash post surgery and mysterious as not changed any of the prep, glue and tape used. Prescription of steroids, topical hydrocortisone and keep taking the Zyrtec. I do see an improvement (and feel less itchy) after two days. Supposed to clear in five. I go back in week to have nurse remove prineo and if any remaining rash it will hopefully disappear soon after.
Hi Kathy, I had hives that would come and go after my double mastectomy, and my surgeon never got to the bottom of it. As a matter of fact, five years later, I will still get a random hive or two! But around the time of the surgery, they were definitely more plentiful, and they were so irritating! I mostly got them around my incisions. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful, other than the fact that I can relate to your situation. I didn’t take anything for them, I just treated them topically, and because they were mostly around my incisions, I obviously couldn’t feel them quite as much as if they were on my neck or my back or something like that. I hope you get some relief soon! Tracy
I'm sorry to hear the rash returned, but glad they are still addressing the issue!! I hope you are feeling all kinds of love from your colleagues and that being back to work feels good- it did for me, I loved getting another piece of my life back!! Hugs!
Hi Susan196:
I do not have an answer to the why of your increased allergic reactions but have experienced this too with usage of various products, including what was used for cataract surgery and my reactions to dissolving stitches of lumpectomy and other meds, including anastrozole.
Look up mast cell reactions and syndromes.
That's interesting about the increase in rashes post-surgery. I hope they can get to the bottom of this.
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