Do You Have Any Tips For Regaining The Use Of Your Arms After Surgery?
I've been told, I will not be able to use my arms after surgery (bilateral mastectomy). I realize everyone is different, but in your experience about how long does this last & do you have any tips to speed up the recovery time for the use of arms?
Ask for a referral to PT. Mine was very helpful.
Good luck with your surgery!
I had moved things like the heavier casserole dishes, etc. to places easier to reach ahead of time, so everyday things were not an issue.
Your surgeon will suggest some gentle stretching exercises- usually the first is the "wall crawl". I did this in the shower, as then my muscles were already, nice, warm and relaxed. You just place your finger tips on the wall, and crawl them up and down and to the sides.
I was told to move nice and easy, and when I felt some discomfort, pay attention to how far up/over my position was, and as long as it wasn't a sharp pain- and more like after you have pulled a muscle (more of an ache than a pain) I was ok, and to make sure I moved into that discomfort zone whenever I did the exercises.
I applied the same instruction to doing things around the house, once she said I could ease into my regular activities- which I should have asked more about, because at the next visit she said No Repetitive Movements- apparently, even though sweeping the floor, mopping, vacuuming were part of my regular activities- they were still supposed to be avoided- oh well! I told her I was easing into it, I was not doing them all on the same day- lol!
Use your common sense, you want to be able to stretch those muscles and avoid scar tissue buildup, but you also want to avoid to much of repetitive movements because it may encourage some fluid buildup. I'm glad you are feeling up to considering what's next for your healing!! Hugs!
I had my bilateral mastectomy on Tuesday (18th), and aside from being careful and not raising them above shoulder-level, I haven’t had any issues using my arms whatsoever.
Here are some tips for regaining the use of your arms after breast cancer surgery:
- Arm Exercises: Start with the arm exercises shown by your health care team to prevent stiffness and scar tissue formation
- Physical Therapy: If you still have difficulty moving your arm or shoulder four weeks after surgery, talk to your Show Full Answer
In April, I had a single mastectomy of the right breast. My surgeon made a referral with the MEND clinic that specializes in patients after surgery. They gave me exercises to do before and after surgery. My surgeon also told me to start moving my arm that day. Your muscles and ligaments need the exercise so so they don't get stiff. I always did the exercises during a shower. The walls were slick from the moisture to let the washcloth to slide up and down.
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