66 And Scheduled For Radical Mastectomy At End Of Month.. Feeling Very Positive About It But Open To Post Operative Healing Tips. Blessings
Thank you soooo much sis!🌻
I was 62, did the mastectomy with flat closure. I had no complications with healing. Sleeping upright was most comfortable, I used a pocketed apron to hold the drains, I could wear it under clothes. I also had a bra with velcro'ed pockets to hold the drains. Once the drains were out, I could still use the bra, just by taking the pockets off. A small pillow or folded towel placed between your arm and incision site helps as it prevents pressure and friction from your arm. Keep some ice packs handy for those moments that happen. Get any Rx's filled ahead of time. Make sure you have comfy, soft zip up or button up tops, as you are not allowed to lift your arms that high. Move things down to a more reachable height (counters, etc) for that same reason. Get any grocery shopping done, as they will not let you lift anything. Run any errands as they may not want you driving. Load up on books, or whatever you enjoy doing- eat well, stay hydrated- all so your body has what it needs to heal!! Keeping you in prayers for every success with your procedure! Hugs!
It's wonderful to hear you're feeling positive about your upcoming mastectomy. Your attitude can significantly impact your recovery process. Here are some tips to help with post-operative healing:
1. **Pillows in Varying Sizes**: Many find pillows of different sizes helpful for positioning and comfort after surgery. They Show Full Answer
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