Stage 3 ILC. 55mm Tumor With 1 Lymph Node. Can Anyone In Similar Situation Share Chemo Regiment. I Want To Make Sure My Plan Makes Sense.
Yes, the receptor status (bio markers) is an important part of the protocol puzzle. What works well for one type doesn't work as well for another. Whatever the regimen, please know that for most of us, chemo was not as bad as what our imaginations were preparing us for. While not fun- it was do-able. Hugs!
I think TC sound’s reasonable.
What are your bio markers? Her2+, and triple negative have different treatments. For ER/PR+, I would think Taxotere/Cytoxan or Taxol followed by AC
Thanks for getting back to me. So I’m HR+ ER+ and HER2-.
Onc said she was between AC and TC and opted for TC and then will have 5 weeks of radiation followed with hormone meds. Just wanted to make sure this sounded right.
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