Has Anyone Chosen Not Have Hysterectomy Even At Risk For Uterus Cancer With Hormones For Breast Cancer? Thank You So Sorry We Have This
Hi again Kellie, I replied to your other question about not wanting to do the hormone blockers and my answer is basically the same with this question. It seems like you don't want the treatments which I can fully understand why but you have a big chance in beating this by doing certain things you might not want to do. You are only Stage 1 but in order not to progress past Stage 1 and kill the freaking cells you need to do certain things, certain things that you might not want or feel comfortable doing. If you didn't go through menopause yet that means you would take tamoxifen. If you get a hysterectomy which will put you into menopause then you would take an AI ( HORMONE blocker) Our ovaries are the biggest producers of estrogen. If we get them removed our adrenal glands and body fat still produce estrogen so its either Tamoxifen or one of the other 3 AI's. There is no escaping having to take a hormone blocker. Even women who have had chemo & radiation take the blockers to increase their chances of killing off any wayward cells and to prevent new tumors and lesions. ❤️ In the end it is your decision and I wish you the best.
Thank you. I just learned from ondocoligist yes even if I do have hysterectomy I'd still need to take hormones also. I'm going back now for 2 nd surgery to clear margins this Tues. I haven't been back up here to read since last time. Thank you again.
I Gained 10 Lbs Per Year While Undergoing 5 Years Of Tamoxphin. Struggling To Loose Even 1 Lb. Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions?
Vaginal Bleeding