I Started Kadcyla Last March And My Platelets Started Going Low Last August. 68 Now How Can I Make It Go Higher ?
Two of the side effects of the drug your being give is low platelets and internal bleeding. Bruising etc. Are you done with that drug? If so maybe eating green leafy vegetables or iron pills or b12 shots. Or just ask your onocolgist to take you off it . Again you take something that's suppose to help you then causes another problem sometimes to me it seems counter intuitive. Yes build your body back up and then start taking something to next it back to where you just started from.
I just finished Kadcycla and my platelets are low too, Also looking for ways to increased. Also noticed my RBC’s and Hemoglobin dropped. Now that I am done. I am hoping to raise these numbers again,
There used to be a drug, Neumega, but I don't think it is used anymore in the States- the list of side effects was pretty scary, anyway! My PCP recommended drinking water, coffee, and the foods in this video. I had to have my chemo postponed twice for a week each time because of low platelet counts, and then after the 4th of 6 chemos, I had to have the platelet infusion, which they told me they could only do once- never asked why, I was just so glad there was a way to proceed.
If the low platelet counts continue, and the doctors believe it is due to the Kadcyla, they may consider adjusting your dosage. Keeping my fingers crossed for answers with easy fixes! Hugs!
Is Anyone Taking Kadcyla & Herceptin Treatments And If So What Has Been Your Side Effects?
Anyone Getting Bruising From Treatment? Oncologist Says It's From The Kadcyla - I'm Looking Like I Was In A Boxing Tournament!
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