Just Finished Bilateral Mastectomy With Reconstruction Post Chemo. 1/5 Sentinal Node + Thoughts On AND Vs Just Radiation?
Thanks so much for this. Yes I have also been reading research. A lot of great stuff from Europe as well. It seems they are moving away from the AND in most cases as the radiation seems to yield the same long term results. I'll keep you posted.
Hi Sheri!
I had very large lumpectomy and SNB and they didn't get it all and found 3 positive nodes...one was 1.5 cm...cancer was 9 cm.Now,mastectomy and AND in 2 weeks.I just finished 20 rounds of AC-T.
I am a researcher and have had plenty of time these past months to study. I really didn't want to do the AND but I have a 75'/, chance of positive nodes so I am having the surgery(at least they will be out of my body.) However,there are lots of new studies out there
about just your situation.A few months ago in San Antonio Texas,they had a conference about this.The gist of the studies is that depending on the size of the node infiltration,outcomes were so close after 7 years between SLNB vs AND that it wasn't warranted for some.They attributed it to targeted Chemo these days,radiation and hormone therapy.We all have our comfort level,but with what I know now,I would love to forgo the AND and save myself all the possible lifelong side effects.
Wishing you all the best.Lots of info out there about your situation.
ER/PR +, Her2-, With Lymphnodes +
Need Input On Surgical Decision -- DCIS High Grade
Has Anyone Had A Positive Sentinel Lymph Node But Opted Not To Have The Axillary Nodes Taken?