Has Anyone Else Had Problems With Toenails Due To Chemo? I’m About To Lose My Big Toenail.
During chemotherapy, both of my big toenails become ingrown and infected. I’ve been on antibiotics a few times for it. I went to my podiatrist, who fixed the ingrown toenail on my right foot then my second to smallest toe became infected. Now, the nail on big toe on my left foot is turning dark and looks to be lifting. My last chemo treatment was Dec 21, 2023
I keep my feet very healthy, and have been quite surprised at all the trouble that I’m having.
Has anyone else had similar problems?
I didn't have chemo but my good friend did and her toenails and fingernails came loose. They did grow back. Ask your oncologist what you can do.
During chemo all of my fingernails and my two big toenails separated from the nail bed. They hung in at the base, and now - 18 months after completing chemo - I’m happy to say that all but one toe have regrown and are stable. The nail separation was quite painful and I had to cut my nails extremely short to avoid snagging them, which was excruciating. I also had to be very careful to keep them clean and dry, but I still got fungal infections twice. Moisturizing with heavy creams and oil under cotton gloves at night probably kept the nails from completely falling off. I was allergic to the Taxol which may have been the culprit. It also caused a rash on my hands, arms and legs. Two rounds of steroids after every chemo infusion was the only saving grace - but with its own issues…
Yes,! Right away I lost my big toe nail on my left foot. It grew back quickly. I thought my right foot BT was going to be lost but I never did lose it. However, My 3rd toe on right foot the nail became (still is) really thick ? Common problem even after chemo is over. It’s ok happens .
Not toenails, but fingernails. I had one fall off shortly after completing my chemo treatments
Your welcome pink sister.
Discolored Nails
Nail Fell Off? What Is To Blame??
Toe Nail Lifting From Nail Bed. Has This Happened To You?!