Has Anyone Had An Oncotype RS That Is On The High Side (mine Is 27) And Decided Against Chemotherapy ?
This is my second cancer. First was 2014. This time I have hormone positive/HER2 - breast cancer that was 10mm. I have had lumpectomy and am undergoing radiation. I plan to take AIs. I decided against the recommendation of chemo.
Not quite the same, but the follow-up treatment after my year+ protocols for HER2+, included another year with an oral med. I decided against it, the benefit to me was minimal (2%), but the most common side effect is "chronic diarrhea". I already have Crohns, which has been well behaved- but there is no rhyme or reason to what makes it flare up. Mine was so bad I had to have a bowel resection done in my 20's. While there is no evidence that taking this drug would cause problems with Crohns- I prefer to let the sleeping dog lie.
These decisions are hard- Keeping you in prayers, please know we support you! Hugs!
Hi Angela...I read your question and immediately related to it as I too, have declined chemo and my Oncotype RS was higher than yours at 37. I have ER+ HER2- invasive ductal carcinoma stage 1b grade 2. The invasive carcinoma was 6mm and margins were good. I also had DCIS which was 14mm. I had lumpectomy in February and actually just completed radiation last week. I will follow with AI. They actually still want to do chemo. I had radiation first which is not the standard course but we were still waiting on oncotype test results so they went ahead with radiation first. I wrestle with my decision but have other medical issues that even my oncologist is concerned with when taking chemo yet she still wants to go ahead with it. I see her again May 20th. I am planning on pursuing alternative healing methods in addition to the aromatase inhibitors. It's a very difficult decision. My heart goes out to you.
Yes, of course Ive had second and even third opinions. They were all in agreement that chemo is the standard of care. (I did not do chemo in 2014 btw/ oncotype came back inconclusive). I’ve researched a lot as well. I decided against chemo bc according to RS Clin with my tumor size, age, node negative, the added chemo benefit was 4 %. Obviously that’s an estimate and who knows what the number really is/will be. I decided the benefit was not worth the cost to me personally (for reasons I won’t go into). That said, I recognize and I’ve been told that the vast majority of women in my shoes go ahead with chemo. I was told I’d have a good prognosis either way. Hard to put myself through that. I’m very afraid of long term effects of chemotherapy. At same time, who cares about those if you’re not alive. This decision has plagued me like no other and was one I struggled with tremendously. I’d never recommend it to anyone else/ not my intent. Just curious if anyone was in my shoes and how they decided.
Hello there, belatedly replying to this question.
My score was 2, found it out one day and surgeon had me booked for chemo next day....was 70 years old, 2 years prior had a stroke, was a mess mentally, just got off stating drugs that were interfering with my life so much pain, same pain when first on anastrazole......prior to receiving the report had an appointment with the radiologist and all set up to go for that in four days, (the radiologist was sure with my lumpectomy results wouldn't require chemo).....the timing of the chemo put me in a tailspin of anxiety, couldn't think straight, luckily my wonderful GP gave me some time that evening and I decided to just go ahead with the radiation, am now on year 2 or3 of anastrazole depending on how they view my first year of moving between the adjunct choices available to me, tamocifacin a no due to my stroke.....ended up going back to anastrazole, but second time side effects amazingly different from the debilitating pain of the first go around.......am happy with my decision
I agree with Sue, please consider a second opinion, insurances will normally cover that. Did you have chemo before in 2014, is there anything in particular about chemo that has you worried? Keeping you in prayers as you gather all your info, and make the decisions that are right for you. Hugs!
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