How Long Do Drains Stay In After Bilateral
i don't know if post surgical drain use is much different for uni vs bi or reconstruction. -
during my PRE - drain preparation [reading] i learned that the wicks are 'harpooned' across the length of an incision via the insertion through smaller incisions to alleviate seromas from the serous fluid. - i was actually concerned with my immune system rejecting the material since there's a good amt. of the wick material under the skin
i hated it too, but had a very short duration with the drainage & after the need was explained to me, i tried to grin & bear it
perhaps it's more sanitary than changing gauze dressings - but i've also read that much longer than 2 wks. one actually risks infection from the drains - i'm not sure what 'as long as possible' means, but about 2 wks. is usually a maximum duration
Just had a bilateral on May 31st. I am doing reconstruction, so now I will only see plastic surgeon. The NP told me that she wouldn't remove them till next Friday. They are a pain, but a friend had a tummy tuck and she said make sure they leave them in as long as possible. She had to go back and have them drain it off.
to add a smidge of perspective, as lauraAh has shared above, your surgeon will set your output measurements
i knew the 2 drain wicks [after my unilateral] were horizontally placed under my incision with 2 separate sm. incisions, to contain the fluids after surgery, vs the old fashioned way of gauze dressings -
while i'm unsure why an individual would have more or less drainage after a surgery, i was very lucky - mastectomy early thurs. & by mon am they were no longer measuring past the bottom line of bulbs and able to have a dr./nurse pull
they probably could have been pulled sun if i could have had a nurse come over the weekend -i'm probably the MINIMUM of drain duration after mastectomy
here's to hoping your drain experience is on the 'shortish' side also
Thank y’all!
Where I work, 2 consecutive days of 20 cc’s or less out put per day, or 4 weeks maximum.
Wishing you well!
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