I Have Not Had A Scan Or Mammo Since Before My Surgeries In September.. Anyone Else Go This Long Without Recheck?
In situ simply means that the cancer is still within the duct and is not invasive. You can have in situ in more than one place in the breast. Once an individual tumor has gone through the duct wall then it is considered invasive ductal carcinoma or IDC. The total cancer picture is made up of grade, stage, ER/PR and HER2 markers and oncotype score. Not to mention tumor margins and lymph node status. It is impossible to compare your diagnosis and treatment plan and follow-up with that of other patients/. There is no one breast cancer. It is very individual and based upon all of those factors. I met someone last week who was Stage 1, tumor was very small, but then she had surgery and her Oncotype score came back as 44. Just that one number changed everything about her treatment plan and follow-up. You need the complete picture.
I would think something should have been done but going through this it seems follow ups are a year out which I never believed was enough.
Teresa you were stage 1 so I guess you will probably get a yearly mammogram. I totally am against this lack of aftercare when active Breast cancer is done as if there is no chance of it coming back. Every cancer should be treated closely no matter what stage but it is what it is.
I would certainly ask my oncologist and surgeon. I had a PET Scan 2 weeks after mastectomy. Just had a mammogram on my remaining breast since it was time for my annual.
Somehow, the above post dropped the part about Grade. Grade 1 is slower growing, Grade 2, medium, and Grade 3 the more aggressive, but even with Grade 3 (mine) it can take 2 years for something to become large enough to feel. That is why they keep such close tabs on us during that first two years. And at 5 years post treatment, they are comfortable with releasing us from all those appts. Generally, after the 5 year mark, they consider it a "new" cancer vs, a continuation of what we were initially treated for.
Keeping you in prayers as you learn all about your situation and determine the path forward to getting healthy again. Hugs!
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