Do You Have Any Recommendations For Post-mastectomy Items That Make The Recovery Easier/more Comfortable?
I have purchased a drain belt to hold the drains. I am unsure what type of bra to get and would appreciate any recommendations for that or anything else that made recovery easier. 😃
Hi. I had bi lateral mastectomy, NSM. Everyone has different recommendations. I showered everyday, Post surgery, they placed a clear very thin type adhesive tape that sticks very well over 50% of my chest. My stitches were self desolving. Showering: I placed an ace bandage around my belly and attached each drain to it with a safety pin so it holds in place, worked perfect, hung the ace wrap to dry for next shower. I also used the safety pins and attached the drains to the inside of my shirt at about hip level(your comfort). Water did not affect anything and shower was almost normal with added hardware 😀. It's only 2 weeks so I don't recommend spending money on simple fixes. To go out, I pinned drains once again to my shirt, I did use a baggy shirts just to hide the drains, looks bulky but you're free to do what you want. Remember, your going thru something, who cares what people say. I don't recall anyone staring at me at all. Good luck
Hmm, that's a tough one. The forat 4 days, I used an ace bandage to keep the chest wall a little snug but comfortable, including sleeping. My sports bras were too snug for comfort, but you can buy a larger one if desired. During the day, I just had on a tank top and was perfectly fine. We are all different with pain so you'll need to tweet things here and there. Fortunately for me, I have high pain tolerance and didn't need any hydrocodone, I did take the anxiety meds for aboit 3 day straight, that was only bcuz of some small, short spasms I had. They only lasted about 1 minute. Thats my story and Im sticking to it 🌻 😉Good luck.Keep a positive attitude, it really goes a long way in the healing process.
They should send you home with post-op bras, they do up at the front, never really wore mine, I found it uncomfortable especially with the drains in place, loose tops is a good thing to wear, that way they don't rub or irritate. X
The majority of items I had purchased, I did not use. So my advice is to not stock up on too much. The only really useful thing was a wide camisole that had buttons down on the sides, so that I didn’t need to pull it over my head. Bras etc is for later, when scars are healed and you get the green light from surgeon.
Here’s the link to the camisole:
I did not take a real shower but used a washing cloth and baby wipes for the first 2 weeks. But if you do want to take showers, you need to avoid water on the scar area and this protective shower cape might be useful. But I ended up not using it.
i found on Amazon Robes and zippered shirt with drain pockets. Also a pad that fits on seat belt to keep pressure off your chest. They also have bag for drains when you shower.
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