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Breast Tumor Biopsy & Spread Of Cancer Cells

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question šŸ’­
Lansdowne, PA

A needle penetrates the tumor, pulling tissue out. Is it possible even though it's a very small entry point that cancer cells can escape after a biopsy?

July 20, 2024
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A MyBCTeam Member

Hi ladies...
I found your discussion very interesting. I've been wondering if the bout I had with COVID-19 affected my body in a way to cause breast cancer. I never took the vaccine and never plan to do so anyway. I'm no science expert but my thinking is that COVID-19 itself as well as the vaccine affects/attacks areas in your body where you might be the weakest. Just a thought of mine....
Also, tend to agree with leaving well enough alone sometimes the remedy is worse than the illness.
We all have decisions to make with our bodies and need to be comfortable with those decisions.
I just finished 28 rounds of radiation which I was not happy about receiving. However, I happen to be one of the few that had barely any reactions to it. No fatigue and a bit sunburn under arm and on back where radiation exits. I give all the glory to God Who really protected me through all of it.
Next, I am headed for Kadcyla every 3 weeks for 12 months and hormone blocker Letrazole. I am not happy about this next step. But will listen to my body and discernment...still looking and hoping to find something natural to block hormones.
Praying for all of us for health and wellness!
Take good care! ā¤ļø
God bless you all!

July 24, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member

i couldn't wait to have a few mins. to participate in this intriguing topic -
our OWN cells gone rogue - why? why do they begin to misbehave? what is different from our first few decades of life when they were all shiny & new & were sized just right & stayed in line?

our env.? -we discussed this before -we also know age, coz our immun. system fighter cells can only take so many assaults before they begin to show some chinks in their armor

what do we REALLY know about cancer? it's been hypothesized that we ALL have some cancer cells in our bodies. - even by some reputable research facilities. - so when i was told that my 2 tumors 1.6 cm largest -[AND LOB so unable to be felt], were abutted up against a large benign fibro, i began to question -what if i hadn't felt the fibro? - my surgeon said these small & very slow growers were in the breast [minding their own business without symptoms] for decades -but it was long enough to have my damn skippy immune system pick up some of the 'divide & conquer' morphs to show a pos sln with mx path.

if i hadn't felt the fibro we wouldn't have found the ilc - could i have lived another 2 decades with these growing & NOT causing symptoms? like barb suggested, could the biopsy itself have caused spread into sln? - initially there was NO enlargement on u.s. until AFTER 7 punches between 2 tiny tumors.

what if my hunch [& my ms in science surgeon] is correct - we're over scanning & then 'over-reacting' ourselves into cancer insanity - staple, fold, spindle, mutilate -& then treating every variant with any kitchen sink cell killer-while taking out our friendlies [& our healthy bods along with our once blissful lives] with them

what if we could no longer see every micro/macro cell [dinosaur days] & we only used all these surveillance scans when there are symptoms? it never ends - we're always going to be finding something suspicious on scans that can see more than we've ever seen inside our living ecosystems of microbiomes -

what if our atypical cells are so slow growing, that the chance of them invading our spaces required for normal function, will cause less stress than the toxins used to try to alleviate them?

again, i only postulate that there are so many different types of abnormal cells- but cancer cells also want more real estate

- perhaps what bothers me more than wondering how long we can LIVE with some types of cancer, is that our options of trying to halt whatever the cause of their march across boundary lines, is how lethal the treatment is - wondering if letting the sleeping dog lie is the lesser of the 2 evils

what a fascinating field to be in with all our current science/med tec. - i have no doubt that learning what causes a once healthy cell to lose it's instruction to play nice, is on the horizon - could a cure be far behind?

July 23, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

According to Susan G. Komen breast cancer site, this does NOT cause spread. I also asked a lot of my medical team, and they said no. I also studdied this a lot back when I first got diagnosed, cause I had to have A LOT of biopsies.

July 20, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

disclaimer: while i'm not a doctor nor do i play one online, my spidey sense or 'sciencey' sherlocking would beg to differ & opine that it's doubtful

as a global animated entity, we are ONE fricken SICK PUPPY & as we make our planet sicker, all else follows

scientists KNOW why & have tried to change legislation - lobbyists have deep pockets and money talks bullshit walks

i've posted much of this before - so sad that we continue to ignore what could help to lower our rates if inspiration [& kahoonies] AND OUR VILLAGE were bigger

we are losing our breasts AND DYING - yet we only continue to beg & plead for better treatments rather than stand up to the source of the INCREASED INCIDENCE

as a planet, we need to get our shit together and then CLEAN IT UP!!!

'one in eight' is a disgrace

July 24, 2024 (edited)
A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member

my basement's too musty for a 'lab' makeover - how's yours? lol

funny you should mention covid - i'm going through some 'chinks in my OWN armor' lately - but when i had time to visit here, i wanted to relay some happy news - i'm feeling a MILLION [i always exaggerate] but hundreds anyway - of little stubbly nubbies growing all over my scalp... the only happiness i've had in several wks.

just like when i almost died from covid, i experienced teleogen effluvium 2 mos. after- my kick ass immune system just did it again, [T.E] after my mx in early may

my hair growth shut down to put everything into healing & my hair had been coming out in large clumps - all over everywhere ;(

being in menopause since 42, i knew that wouldn't effect the return to normal growth, since it returned after covid -but wasn't sure how cancer would effect it

happy to report 'all systems go' in the nubbie regrowth dept.

i LOVE you my damn skippy immune system and t cells xoxoxo ...... in fact i think i'm gunna' nourish you little fighter warrior t cells right now with some high protien yogurt for my bedtime snack

have a beautiful evening yall šŸ¤—

July 23, 2024

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