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Do Any Of You Have Depression From You Hormone Blocker Pill?? I Sometimes Feel Like I Am Going Crzy!!!!

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Phoenix, AZ
August 11, 2024
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A MyBCTeam Member

It is quality of life. And the recurrence rate is low. However the treatment of this disease is filled with fear along with the medical advice given by the medical staff as well. And you are a bad patient if you do not strictly adhere to the "prescribed" treatments. But they do not have enough resources to deal with the side effects of the hormone blockers if you already have depression and chronic pain which is me. I'm already on medication for both. Am I supposed to lay in bed in pain and depressed all the time? No. And neither are you.

August 12, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

I feel bad for women who are having anxiety & depressive issues because of this disease. If it's being caused by a particular medicine, then that medication has to be changed. Women don't deserve to have to deal with Breast cancer and then have anxiety and depression on top of it from a drug.

August 12, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

Yes, my depression worsened on Tamoxifen. Besides increased depression and anxiety, I also had horrible mood swings. I was told by my radiation oncologist to go off of it for two weeks. A week later, I saw my medical oncologist’s PA. She wanted to put me back on the same drug that was making me crazy. I refused and switched cancer care teams. I had also started therapy during all this emotional dysregulation. My new oncologist did not put me on any medication. I am going to have a follow up diagnostic mammogram later this month. I am having increased anxiety because I’m afraid that the cancer has come back. I don’t have any signs or symptoms. I didn’t have any signs or symptoms before. I think this anxiety is normal. I journal about it and use other distress tolerance skills to help me through the hard times. I still attend weekly therapy.

August 12, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

I think the hormone blockers they put you on cause all sorts of things. Depression, mood changes, weight gain or loss, aches and name it!! I have been on 3 different ones and they basically all make you moody. I thought if I switched medications, one would be better for me. However, that didn't happen!!

August 12, 2024
A MyBCTeam Member

I understand, I was told with mine, that there was a very high rate of recurrence within 5 years, with the first two years after ending active treatment would be the most likely scenario.

It is hard to hear we might have to do this all over again so soon after finishing- AND feel like making longer range plans! But, I would remind myself, even IF it did come back in 2 years I would regret that I had not taken the time to do some things in-between, and at 5 years, I would definitely be kicking myself for not having taken advantage of the 5 year span to do things that would have made me happier.

Check and see if your center has a support group for Survivors. You will find that a lot of what you are feeling is very common. What kind of things did you enjoy before your bc diagnosis, that you put on hold? Have you kept in touch with friends- if not, drop them a note- I like snail mail- lol! Everyone needs a nice surprise in their mailbox instead of the usual ads, fundraising appeals and bills.
And I would seriously consider asking my PCP or Nurse Navigator about counseling. You deserve less "scared", and more peace and joy! And whatever, whoever, can help you move to that space, is worth the time and effort.
Tight Hugs!

August 12, 2024

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