Has Anyone Gone Through The 5 Treatment Partial Breast Irradiation? Is It Easier Or Harder Than Doing Whole Breast Radiation Over 16 Weeks?
I had APBI (accelerated partial breast irradiation) in January and I was so thankful I qualified because of my dx and markers. I only had to go for five days. Each treatment was over in minutes. I did have some fatigue after and a slight pinkening of my breast but it went away in a week after I used Aquaphor Ointment on it. If you qualify, take advantage of it. Same results as longer treatments and so much easier. Not everyone qualifies but I was so thankful that I did. It is so much easier.
I finished my 5 radiation treatments December 2023. Had no skin problems at all but I religiously used moisturizing creams and a steroid cream prescribed by the radiation oncologist. Some fatigue still but medications play a part in that. Very glad I qualified for lumpectomy and the 5 courses of radiation. It all depends on your diagnosis, grade and oncotype score.
Hi. I just finished doing 5 rounds of partial breast radiation last Friday. I’ve had a little fatigue but that’s about it. It only takes a couple minutes after they get you set up. You don’t feel anything during it, and very simple and easy.
I would recommend it. Finished it end of May. Originally developed in the UK which is 10 yrs ahead of US. I was thankful not to have to go everyday. It is double the dose and for the whole breast. I had some discoloration, a little pain and some swelling with lymphodema which massage is getting rid of. I would recommend it.
I had five treatments and I had absolutely no side effects whatsoever. No pink, no fatigue , nothing.
Is Anyone Else Getting Partial Breast Radiation? I Am Having This Done, Using A Mammosite Device.
Parital Breast Radiation....5 Or 16 Sessions?
Mastectomy, Chemotherapy And Radiation Therapy?