I’m 5’1” Tall. I’m Trying To Eat Only 1,200 Calories Per Day - Is This Too Much ? Too Little?
I’m trying to consume enough calories so my body can repair but not so much that I start gaining weight. I mean, there’s only so much exercises I can do per day..
I have known people who ate a lot of carbs on diets and others who gained weight on carbs. Everyone is different how they metabolize things, nothing in particular seems to make me gain weight. One day I will have ice cream, pudding, a few cookies and the next day no sweets at all, weight remains the same. Its moderation. Portion control with everything.
All of the AIs and tamoxifen can cause weight gain and severe fatigue. The AIs can also cause joint pain. I finally decided to have weight loss surgery (gastric sleeve) after discussing it with my oncologist. In us older ladies (post menopausal), estrogen is produced in our excess fat. Since surgery, I am down 40 pounds. I’m learning to really listen to my body. I’m also working through the book Intuitive Eating in therapy.
They are $4 for a single serving but I'm not complaining. There are not a lot of options out there for people looking for minimal sugar and carbs.
@A MyBCTeam Member I am so glad to read that you are having at least 1200 calories a day. I have lost 12 lbs from chemo/surgery and trying to get my appetite back. I had a good day today of plenty small meals but still not enough protein. I am on Letrozole now and still trying to figure out what I can use or not use to ensure not to have any of it convert to estrogen. I do have a plant based no sugar protein but yet to use it and I know my protein intake is still low. I think I am also lacking patience and trying to hurry the process lol.
A wonderful week to all!
Whey will convert to estrogen. Try organic protein powder from chickpeas.
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