What Kind Of Screening Should I Have After My Lumpectomy? I Had 15 Radiation Treatments And Still Have Some Swelling. I Think They Only Want
to do a mammogram. Should I pay for a fast MRI?
Thats the problem @A MyBCTeam Member, when treatment is done and you are only on a Maintenace drug, they only do yearly mammograms and maybe sometimes you can get an ultrasound at 6 months. While all the scans in the world can't prevent recurrence, they would catch a metastasis sooner when maybe there is only one lesion somewhere rather than wait to feel pain somewhere and then get an MRI and find out there is 4 lesions. And insurance companies won't pay just to check and will only pay for diagnostic purposes. The easy way around this is to tell your doctor you feel 'pain' in your hip. That its constant, gnawing discomfort and you don't know what it could be from. ❤️
I had a lumpectomy in August after being diagnosed in May and am getting a followup ultrasound on Thursday (paying out of pocket I'm sure - won't do anymore mammograms due to radiation and compression). I find it ridiculous they don't do 6 month checkups for post cancer patients. I do get a blood test called Signatera that checks for anything brewing that scans won't see yet for safe measure. Best of luck.
She never seems to worried. I may get more attention from my primary care dr. Isn’t it crazy we have to go through all of this?
Thank you @A MyBCTeam Member, I called the surgeons office and told them about my swelling her answer is always wear a compression garment. I’m thinking about finding someone different.
After a lumpectomy and radiation, regular mammograms are typically the standard screening method to monitor for any recurrence or new issues. Swelling after radiation is common and can persist for some time. While a fast MRI might provide additional detail, it’s not usually necessary unless your doctor identifies specific Show Full Answer
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I Need Advise On If I Should Do Radiation I Am Done With Chemo And Had My Surgey
Good Morning My Pink Sisters. June 10th Will Be Having Surgery(lumpectomy) And There After Will Be Having Radiation. I'd Like To Know ....