Was Wondering About Experiencing Weight Gain From Hormone Therapy.
I gained 30 pounds on Anastrozole, but I think my inactivity played a huge part because I had a very physical job and then I became sedentary. When Covid hit, I gained 30 lbs also that came off once I started working again but this time it looks like I am stuck with it. I think if you stay active you can minimize weight gain.
To make you laugh: I was told by the staff not to be overly concerned if I lost weight during radiation. Lost weight, no, I was the only one at the time
who gained weight. You heard me correctly. I gained weight. Didn't lose an ounce!
It's all good. It works out eventually and we and our bodies adjust. Its
kinda like God and us. God is definitely not working to my schedule.
Losing the weight is the same. You eventually lose the weight but not as
quickly as you want to. Lol
So sorry to hear that. A shame the treatment caused all that. I wish you the best
I'm Great, Just Having Headaches 😩 And Tried My Energy Is Very Low Never Had A Problem With That Before, My Be My Age 🙃 😅.
I Want To Know More About Er/pr Positive Her2negative
Has Anyone Skipped Radiation And Hormone Therapy After Lumpectomy? I'm 55 And Had Stage 1 Invasive Tubular Carcinoma.