When Do You Say Is Your "anniversary" Of Being Done With This Whole Cancer Ordeal?
Like do you say it when treatment ends? Surgery ends? Or do you use the anniversary of your diagnosis as a benchmark of how far out you are a survivor? Just curious...thanks!
I use the day of my diagnosis as my survivor birthday. I survived the diagnosis, the treatments and have recently celebrated 7 years of survivorship!
According to the American Cancer Society, you are considered a survivor from the date you were diagnosed. I had this same question so I called the 800 number and that is what they told be. So I am a survivor since June 11, 2012.
I'm going with my diagnosis date, though I expect I'll celebrate my surgery date, end of chemo date, end of radiation date - at lease the first year.
my doctors told me date of completion of treatment is your anniversary date.
I think its up to each of us! ;)
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