Tram Flap Reconstruction
I am having bilateral mastectomy and highly considering TRAM flap. My fear is the length of surgery. I am overweight which is a negative for any surgery. I just wonder if there is anyone who is overweight/obese who has had the TRAM and how long did surgery take and how do you feel about the outcome of the surgery?
Thank you all for your input, it is extremely helpful! I met with my ps yesterday and had my questions answered. I am having bilateral and he told me TRAM was not good for bilateral, he said that it requires too much muscle and leaves you with belly bulge and hernias. He described some of the procedure required and the length. This was an answered prayer for me because I needed a strong argument to persuade me (I agonize over committing to a color to paint a room!). The dr told me he was telling me what he would tell his wife or daughter, that is what I wanted to hear! I am an ex smoker so I asked about that, smoking and nicotine in patches used to quit impede the healing process because of what they do to the blood vessels.
A friend asked today: How many, if any, have had a flap procedure reversed?
A friend asked today: How many, if any, have had a flap procedure reversed? She is several years out and still so uncomfortable that she would like to have it all undone. I think she had the abdominal type and wants to have it reversed but her plastic surgeon god her that it was not possible.
My neighbor had a tram? flap (pectoral muscle?) done a couple of years ago and still has a lot of complications (pain, lack of mobility), and she was a big reason why I wouldn't reconstruct, along with my German onc friend's personal refusal to EVERR use implants.
I Had Bilateral Mastectomy 7/2010 with immediate Free Tram Flap recon. This used pieces of 2 abdominal muscles and belly fat. The plan was to stitch the muscles back together, however mine were too tight, so my PS had to use Cadaver Mesh to patch them. My one concern prior to surgery was that I would still be able to do Pilates, he reassured me I could. After surgery he told me I could no longer do any core strengthening. I assumed he just patched them with pieces of mesh.....last yr I had to see a Chiro for some back and hip prob and as I looked at the x-rays he took I noticed all of these white specks covering my chest all the way down to my lower abdominals, it turns out that I have a huge piece of mesh stapled in me from my collar done down to my abs! This explains why I've struggled with stretching to get things I used to be able to reach, upper closets & cabinets. I have severe back pain from just running the sweeper or mopping and I struggle with yoga and swimming as well. I am so upset about this I lie in bed at night and imagine how I could have the mesh removed. I know it's highly unlikely id be able to have it removed. I haven't talked to my PS for over 2 yrs. I haven't decided what I will do. I'm just mad and wish someone would have told me that this outcome was a possibility before I had my surgery!!!
@A MyBCTeam Member Let me share some of your guilt. I am still struggling. I have even tried the electronic and worked great for 6 weeks. It is the one thing I HATE to share. Hubby does not smoke, but is an ex smoker. So, I don't have that excuse. @A MyBCTeam Member I envy you, but I like your suggestions about the hands.
I was very fortunate that I was the only smoker. My husband didn't badger me about it. Maybe if you can make it your husband will follow. I had to quit cold turkey, I could not do fake cigs. I think the biggest obstacle was finding something to do with my hands. When I wanted one I would try to wait another hour over and over. After the first week it got so much easier. I think there is a lot of help out there if you need it. Try your local health department,I think they offer free programs to help people quit.
When I was on chemo I tried to get help from the cancer place but my insurance took for ever, by the time insurance excepted I was done with chemo..any who I tried the gum and did good for a week but like my hubby smokes to its hard so yea still smoking and really want to quit
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