Anyone Have Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropayhy. I Completed Chemo With AC And 12 Weeks Of Taxol And Neuropathy Is Driving Me Crazy
I have neuropathy from chemo and when I get into the shower or tub, my feet and toes go completely numb.
I just got the official diagnosis this week! I had AC followed by Taxol an finished up 11/20/13. My Onc prescribed Gabapentin (generic Neurontin) and I just started taking it Monday. It's making me dizzy but I am hopeful that soon subsides. The nurse did tell me it was a good thing I called to report my symptoms because it doesn't go away or get better without treatment. Good luck to you!
I have been dealing with this for almost 2 years's hard! Try taking vitamin B12 pills and also ask your doc about meds call Neurontin. The combination has helped a great deal...Still waiting the numbing to go! Good luck
I had the same exact treatment. The numbing eventually went away.
Yes! I has my last chemo June 24. My has neuropathy has gotten so much worse. It is now almost impossible for me tot so my job.
Taxol Chemo Treatments
Clinical Trials For Triple Negative BC
Chemo Induced Neuropathy