Shower After Bmx
I had my bmx done on Tuesday and my ps said I could shower today or tomorrow. That doesn't sound right to me. Shouldn't he be worried about infection on a new incision? When did you take your first shower after mastectomy?
I had my BMX on a Thursday and was told I could shower by Saturday. I had no bandages or steri strips across my inncision and also nothing covering my drains. Everything was open and exposed. I showered without any problems but had the spray on SUPER gentle. It was July and felt so good.
I took a bath first couple of times. I was able to shower, just weak. I had glue & taped up also. I tied ribbon & attatched drains to the ribbon. Bath or shower feels so good !!!
I was told to take a back facing shower for the first couple weeks.
I was also allowed to shower soon after my BMX. My incisions with closed with clue and covered with waterproof tape. I was fine.
@A MyBCTeam Member I can honestly say I didn't have any drainage. Anywhere. Just what was in those darn JP drains. My incisions were glued.
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