Bra Or No Bra...that Is The Question
What you always wanted to know but was afraid to ask: Do I need to get a bra to bring to the hospital after i get my bilateral mastectomy on Monday? Will they supply me with something and will I really need one at this point?
My Dr had a binding. on with tubes draining the first week but after that I just wore a t- shirt and haven't had a bra on since. I was fitted with prothesis but probably never wear them
it depends on your particular procedure and your doctor's preference.
My hospital gave me a "BC Health Navigator" who was a nurse that followed my case start to finish. Sh provided as a "gift"(I am sure it is on the bill somewhere) the front zip camisole w pockets for drains. But it was excruciating. I wore only steri-strips and a button up shirt home....and for a couple weeks at least. Drains pinned into shirt. Now I have a couple cotton front hook sports bras that help me feel less vulnerable....but the reconstructed breasts are not as....bouncy as before so they are just for comfort. Very sexy....not.
I last wore a bra the day before my BMX (7/2013). I gues it depends if you are havinv reconstruction/expanders put in. I didn't znd my surgeon does not bandage or bind or in sny other way covers the incision prior to fischarge.
I came out of the OR with a light gauze bandage which he removed the following morning before discharge.
I had a compression bra on that the doctor provided when I woke up from surgery. I would ask.
Six Weeks Post Op - Anyone Not Driving?
Did Anyone Wear A Special Type Of Bra During/after Radiation Treatments -does A Normal One Irritate Your Breast?
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