Has Anyone Had Radiation Prior To Mastectomy And Reconstruction?
Was your skin able to heal from the radiation and allow for successful healing of the mastectomy? My treatment has been very complicated because I was pregnant when I was diagnosed. I wasn't able to follow the "standard of care" (so sick of hearing that). I am also BRCA positive so I am opting for bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction but I want to do radiation first. I have already had a lumpectomy, and chemo. Radiation Oncologist's concern for not following the "standard of care" is… read more
I had chemo first because they said mu tumor was too large to operate on but after the chemo I had a lumpectomy but there was still cancer in the margins and then 7 weeks of radiation. My radiation oncologist, breast surgeon, and plastic surgeon all said I had to wait a year from the end of radiation to have reconstruction for healing and to come out right.
I too was told to wait 8-12 months after radiation for reconstruction
I had my lumpectomy, reduction and reconstruction all at one time. The diagnosis was so much to digest I did not want to endure multiple surgeries done at different times. My plastic surgeon has done superb work with other women prior to my surgery. He left the breast affected with the tumor larger because radiation can make it smaller than the unradiated breast. He said lots of women opt to do reconstruction first and radiation last with optimal results. He was very thorough in our consultation to let me know anytime you're alterating the breast even under normal reduction or making the breast larger there could minor or major differences in the end result. I'm happy to say I'm glad I did it before radiation because that's one less thing to worry about.
I had 6 weeks of radiation after lumpectomy. My skin got dark but it cleared up after.
Never have surgery and radiation without waiting 8-12 months between! No matter which you do first, the radiation will prevent the skin from healing. My reconstruction effort failed completely because my skin had been radiated first. However I have a friend who had surgery first and hers failed when she did radiation. Make sure you are completely healed before you do radiation and I don't advise risking it at all after radiation💗💗💗
Hello.I Want To Know More About Mastectomy.Please Answer This Question With Types Of Mastectomy You Have Undergone And Why?
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