This May Sound Silly But I'm Going To Have A Double Mastectomy And Am Wondering How Soon Or If I'll Be Able To Get Back To Playing Softball
I had my mastectomy in February and finished my recon in June by switching out the expanders with implants. I didn't have any issues during the whole process. And tomorrow I am going to try to play for the first time. :). My doctor released me last week. Not sure if I'll be any good but I'm gonna give it a try. It's crazy how much of a toll surgery takes on your body. Good luck to you.
That's a tough question but not silly at all. I'm very active and was in really great shape before my bil mastectomy. I was back to jogging as soon as my drains were removed, about 5 weeks post op, but I found that swimming (freestyle and eventually breast stroke) for a couple months helped me the most with my range of motion. I was surprised how little I could do with my pectoral muscles and it's taken me close to a year to be able to do push ups again. In regards to throwing a softball, I think it might take quite a while, especially if you're doing reconstruction. Plus, you really want that particular area to heal well and not develop a hematoma, a seroma or lymphedema. I'm 11 months out from surgery and almost back to 100%. Best of luck to you!
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Double Mastectomy