Corrective Surgery After Lumpectomy
I had lumpectomy October 2014 and after a check up with my bc nurse she said i could have corrective surgery 12 months after i had finished rads (which was a year ago May). I see the surgeon for my yearly check in August and have been so unhappy with the way my boob looks until now. Now i wonder do i want to have it made to look better or not? I have learned to live with it i guess. Anyone had corrective surgery after a lumpectomy?
@Keva Chrisman
I buy everything online so I'm not certain if retail stores have them. I got mine on but Coobies also has their own site with many styles. I believe the url is:
If you can't find it let me know. Hugs, Cindy
Although I did not have a lumpectomy, I am 5 weeks s/p Right Mastectomy..I live in sports bras as I am still healing most are easy to get in and out as I had AND as well. I had bought the Genie bras long ago before my diagnosis.......could not believe how much I like them. Not much support but my remaining girl....needs a little care too! I never though that I would miss wearing a bra, but I do.
@A MyBCTeam Member and @A MyBCTeam Member - those look very similar to Genie bras. I live in those things! If you can't find the Coobies then check out Genie bras :)
I did not, nor do I feel I will need corrective surgery after my lumpectomy.
I have large breasts and my tumor was 2 cm, so the size of the tumor removal is small in comparison to my breast. Its also on the outer side of my breast, and so, to me, it isn't even noticeable.
Another option is a "balancer" . I did purchase one at a certified bra supplier and it was covered by my insurance. I didn't even realize there was such a thing, but when I got an RX for bras and went to the fitter, she showed me how the balancer slides into the bra lining. The balancer has ridges that also help bribng the fluid away from the breast.
I rarely wear the balancer, but when I do, I notice my breast is not as swollen. (Not that it is that swollen without it). The balancer was quite pricey, but like I said, covered by insurance.
@Keva Chrisman
I think it is still too early to tell b/c you are probably still swollen. In general ,the radiated breast is smaller and firmer. I think mine went from a C to a B cup. However, I haven't gotten fitted for any bras. I've been wearing Coobies,which are athletic bras that come with removable cup pads.
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