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Looking For Anyone With Experience With Abraxane

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Mays Landing, NJ

My second opinion doctor mentioned that if the Kadcyla stops working, he would put me back on the Herceptin and add something called Abraxane. I'm curious to see who has experience with this and what kind of side effects to expect. He says it's not as bad as docetaxel but I'm wondering if you still get sick, lose hair, etc. Anyone have experience with this?

August 3, 2016
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A MyBCTeam Member

RoseanneDT there is a thread on about Abraxane and stage 4 treatments. That's the group who usually gets Abraxane. I'm not sure why, but I guess Taxotere is preferred for earlier stages and Abraxane can maybe be tolerated longer or in reduced doseages for stage 4s? Not sure but I'd recommend looking on that site for more info. They have a wealth of studies published there and soooo much helpful info! If you have trouble finding it let me know and I'll try to find it and send a link.

August 3, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

I was on Abraxane for five months. It did cause hair loss and fatigue for the first couple of days after admin. I received it every Friday for three weeks with the fourth week off. Hate to tell you this, but just had PET to see how effective it was, and it stopped working. The mets has spread more in my bones. It seemed to help at first, but then pain in hips returned. I'm now started on yet another chemo drug. Trying to figure out when enough is enough.

August 13, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

I also take CBD oil. Has anti-cancer properties (cannabinoids). I've seen melanoma disappear in a time lapse video, after daily application of a certain CBD oil. Google Chris Wark beats cancer to see many testimonies about the power of a radical clean diet change.

October 29, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

Herceptin started to affect my heart, so we discontinued it. I was on it 5 years. My hair came back just fine, just as thick, much less curl! I continue to treat any possible stem or circulating tumor cells with many anti-cancer foods. Still NED, thankful, surprised in some ways, but then not so surprised when I consider the miraculous therapeutic components in nature. So many studies and papers, experiments, etc. enough to greatly encourage any and all of us!

October 29, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member I did indeed lose my hair, but got a sassy wig! No other side effects. Was on Herceptin till 2014. On nothing since. Still NED, but have followed an anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, low-sugar, dairy-free, clean, while food, mostly plant-based diet since my stage 4 diagnosis 7 years ago. I was thankful for Abraxane!

October 29, 2016

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