How long should these side effects last, and does it make you feel low.
I took Tam for a year and a half. Side effects, such as hot flashes, diminished somewhat over this time period. Anxiety is trickier, as it's harder to winnow out the source. I'd expect time to deminish this, too, if it's Tam related. I'm sure the wrench that hormone therapy tosses into the mix, upsetting the balance, was a part of mine, but, ultimately, I had to have my thyroid meds adjusted-revving wayyyy too high. It's not at all uncommon for women treated for breast cancer to have their thyroid go wonky. And overstimulation of the thyroid can produce anxiety-like sensations- sweating, fear and the like. Worth getting your TSH checked to rule in or rule out.
I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know whether the tamaxofin is causing my anxiety to worsen or what my mood can be good one minute bad the other. Also wondering if the hot flashes nausea n headaches hang around forever.
I don't think it causes weight gain for everyone, I was also very dubious about starting it as I didn't want to be putting on weight with everything else. I have been lucky, no weight gain at all and I did need something for my depression. You are limited to which ones you can take with tamoxifen, try them and if they are no good then maybe something else will be. Good luck x
I've been on Tamxoifen since mid-March 2016. Yes I get hot flashes but not all the time and my periods did stop. I've been tired and moody but face it I've been through a lot since January of this year. Empty nest doesn't help either. I'm on it for 10 years also. Last night I told
my hubby only 9 1/2 years to go. But I look at it as a small price I have to pay to help keep the cancer away. I find I feel better when I go for my daily walks ( which I really try to do)
I have gained no weight while on it and on quite a high dose 150 mg.
Is Tamoxifen Making Your Lymphedema Worse?