Effects Of Letrozole On Uterine Fibroids
Has anyone had a positive or negative effect on pre-existing fibroids? While on Chemo my oncologist sent me for both abdominal and pelvic ultrasound which found fibroid (s).Now on Letrozole and wondering whether it may effect their growth.Thanks in advance for any info my sister's may provide.
@A MyBCTeam Member, fibroid development IS a risk of Tam use, so it's a good idea to get yearly ultrasounds.
@A MyBCTeam Member, I really couldn't find any articles linking fibroids with AI use. FYI, Here's one of the articles I referenced earlier that suggests minor evidence of fibroid regression under the influence of an AI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24151065/
((Another hug))
Anytime and any way I can help--happy to! You're welcome. 😊
Thank you Karen. All I knew before that is Tamaxofin lowers the amount of estrogen iny body in essence putting me in an early menopause
@A MyBCTeam Member
Thanks for clearing that up for me.I know that my dr recommended ai as soon as I said I was post-menapausal.
I can see the need for yearly ultrasound for patients on tamoxifen. My med oncologist will probably let me know if he wants to use the original as a baseline, so far he has not asked for any diagnostic tests since then (before chemo). All of my tests were given to me on a check list from my surgeon. Sometimes he's about to wring my neck for not complying with his orders. I know he's correct and he claims he's the head of the team.
Hugs &thanks again.Cindy
Cindy, Tam works differently than AI's. Where AI's prevent androgen produced by the adrenals and fat cells from being converted to estrogen ( quiet literally blocking estrogen PRODUCTION) tamoxafin clogs estrogen receptors on cells ( target: BC cells) blocking the copious estrogen produced by the ovaries in premeno women no cancerous place to land.
I do t know what mechanism with Tam use is going on to produce or increase fibroids, except that it's action doesn't at all decrease available estrogen, where AI's do just that.
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