Large Ovarian Cyst On Tamoxifen
I had a small ovarian cyst in the summer but it went away when I finally got my period. Now it is back and apparently the size of a lemon. It is pressing on everything and my back aches. I am at risk of “torsion,” which is when it twists on itself. So my oncologist says go off tamoxifen for six weeks and see if it goes away. But if it does, and I have to go back on tamoxifen anyway, how is that a fix? They are talking talking about my ovaries coming out too. Should I get a total… read more
Tamoxifen caused pre-uterine cancer after taking it for 2 years. I am 54 years old and was already in menopause. I had a total hysterectomy laparoscopically last June. I’m happy I did . I still get terrible hot flashes. On letrozole with minimal side effects. Recovery was not bad at all. Hope this helps
I was at a party 3 days later.. I would say about a week... little cramping.. I was happy to remove everything. The dr asked if I wanted to leave my ovaries? Why? And No! Happy with my decision. My Mx and replacement surgeries were 10x worse!
If it was me I’d have a total Hysterectomy. I went off Letrozole for 6 weeks to see if all the side effects disappeared. They did and now I’m on Exemestane No side effects. Prayers to you that it will all work out.
Karen, I would think they hope to rule in it rule out whether Tam is complicit with respect to your cyst. At fifty, you’re statistically close to menopause, so it might be that there are several options (oopherectomy among them, which is apparently done laparoscopically these days). Chemical shut down is another option, and the one I took (monthly Zolodex implants), as I was close to menouoase and wanted to avoid surgery if I could. Removal ot suppression while pre- or perimeno and a switch to an Aromatase inhibitor is another idea that would mitigate the risk of ovarian cysts and uturine cancer that comes along with Tam use, but it has its other problems- osteopenia being one of them.
They should test your Estriol and FSH to see where you are in the pre- peri- or post meno game...that should help guide them in their recommendation for surgery, chemical ovarian suppression, tamoxafin vs Aromatase inhibitor use, etc etc., so that you may continue to avail yourself of the hormone antagonizing arm of your treatment.
Hope this helps!
My friend just had a lapro hysto a week ago and her down time was only two weeks, but she works at a desk so shes able to go back to work at 2 weeks.
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Over Scanning
Cyste In Ovary